Minimise Risk, Maximise Success

      Minimise Risk, Maximise Success

      Understanding your credit score is paramount in today’s financial landscape. It serves as a crucial indicator of your financial health, influencing your access to loans, interest rates, and various opportunities.

      Get MySCoRE Report
      Hero End

      What is a credit score report?

      A credit score is a score that provides a snapshot of your credit health by evaluating your financial history to provide an indication of your creditworthiness (i.e. the likelihood whether credit providers will approve your applications). Just like a resume is needed for a job, a financial health check is essential when approving credit or loans.

      A good credit score opens up more financing options and can secure better rates for home, car, and personal loans. Conversely, a poor credit score may deter credit providers from granting you credit or loans.

      What is MySCoRE?

      What is MySCoRE?

      Credit Bureau Malaysia's MySCoRE report offers valuable insights into an individual's creditworthiness and financial history. The comprehensive report includes the individual's credit score and latest credit information.

      With such information, individuals may make more informed decisions when applying for credits, loans, credit cards and other financial products, ensuring they present their best credit standing to potential credit providers.

        • What are the source of information for MySCoRE?
          • 1
            Bank Negara CCRIS (Central Credit Reference Information System)
          • 2
            Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM)
          • 3
            Litigation Information within Credit Bureau Malaysia's database
          • 4
            Trade Credit Reference information
        • What you'll get with MySCoRE
          • Individual Credit Score
          • Credit Information (CCRIS)
          • Trade Credit Reference within Credit Bureau Malaysia's database
          • Litigation Information within Credit Bureau Malaysia's database

      Check your financial health now!

      Get MySCoRE Report